Toddler Program
- 2 years to 3 years
- 10 students
- one teacher
- one caretaker
- 9.30 am to 12.30pm
- Play and Learn
- smart classroom education
- smart books
- smart way of parent communication
Nursery Program
- 3 years to 4 years
- one caretaker
- 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
- creative, smart, interactive way of learning7. smart classroom education
- smart books
- smart way of communication with parents
LKG Program
- 4 years to 5 years
- 10 students: 1 teacher
- interactive smart classes
- 9.30am to 12.30pm
- creative, smart, interactive way of learning
- smart classroom education
- smart books
- smart way of communication with parents
UKG Program
- 4 years to 5 years
- 10 students: 1 teacher
- interactive smart classes
- 9.30am to 12.30pm
- smart classroom education
- creative, smart, interactive way of learning
- smart books
- smart way of communication with parents
Day Care Program
- 2 years to 12 years
- 12.30 pm to 7.00pm
- slokhas
- spelling
- creative learning time
- home work
- milk and fruits
- tuition [ extra charges]
- bye bye routine
nursery teacher training
- certificate valid throughout india and outside india
- practical training
- classroom observation session
- projects related to classroom decoration, teaching methods and aids
- story time session
- rhyme time session
- over l training to benefit teachers
- fests conducted to give exposure
LSV Program : Listen and Speak with Visual clue.
LSV is an english language programme designed exclusively at RIO PLAY HOME with the aim of helping children to express themselves and understand the english language in a very easy manner.
LSV means Listen and Speak with visual clue.Our Centre emphasizes a lot on imparting english at the basic level so it becomes easier for the children in their later years. Our teachers and caretakers are well trained to use to use this method of teaching.
What is LSV ?
LSV is Listen and Speak with Visual Clue. Benefits of using LSV programme.
- Helping a child in understanding the language
- Developing language skills.
- Basic communication.
- Facilitating social interaction.
- Helping build relationships.